“We have had a very wet spring. Wettest spring in my 30 years of farming. Crops where I used SumaGroulx...
Dry Beans
“There was 10 bushel difference between the SumaGroulx ground and the check. You could see right up to the line...
“My soybeans treated with SGA went 52 compared to my regular program that only went 35 BPA!” Northern, MN 2017
“I have been using SumaGroulx for three seasons, going on four. White mold has always been a major issue for...
“Using SumaGroulx, we got darn good beans.” Dean Nebraska 2018
“My soil, on which I had used SumaGroulx, was light and fluffy after a rain while my neighbor, who had...
“According to my custom harvester, I have the healthiest and highest yielding beans in the county, thanks to SumaGroulx.” South...
“I grew the tallest and fullest soybeans that I have ever grown. I have never seen pods fill-in so quickly...
“I produce 15 different varieties of cucusbits. Where 1 gallon of SumaGroulx and 1 quart of Exciter was applied mold...

“We have been using SumaGroulx for the past 7 years. We have stopped using commercial fertilizers. We are amazed at...

“The year 2013 was the driest year I can ever remember. Most of the farmers around my land had very...
“This is my second year using SumaGroulx. I always like trying something that works and give me an edge to...